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Tag Archives: Internal Audit

  1. Shakespeare & Claims: Looking Inward June 6, 2011

    Posted in Claims Auditing, Commentary.

    Cassius said in Julius Caesar, “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars — but in ourselves…” This was a frequent theme of Shakespeare’s, who put it another way in All’s Well That Ends Well, when Helena says: “Our remedies oft in ourselves do lie, which we ascribe to Heaven.” In claims and the insurance world we are quick to blame everyone when things don’t go well. In our latest post we discuss the importance of self review and reflection as a means to improved performance.

  2. 2 Chores that should not be neglected to become a stronger claims organization May 18, 2010

    Posted in Best Practices, Claims Auditing.

    Lets face it – no one really likes to do mundane things. Nonetheless, it’s those very chores that have to be done regularly to ensure a strong organization. Like cutting grass, the longer you let it go the worse it is for your grass, and the harder it will be to fix the mess that has been created. There are certainly enough chores that need to be done in the world of claims that no one likes to do. You know what they are – those things that you would prefer to not have to get to. They can include writing notes on files, keeping a diary and paying bills. But as any good claims handler knows, if you fail to do those tasks regularly not only won’t your grass grow, but you will have quite a clean-up.

    Two chores that can really help claim departments grow nice healthy grass are in the areas of training and managerial assessments. Learn a few chores that have to be done but will help grow your organization.

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  3. Absence of procedures to notify reinsurance is a basis for bad faith February 17, 2010

    Posted in Bad Faith, Best Practices, SPOT on Issues.

    Recently I was discussing bad faith and notice procedures with attorney Phil Loree Jr., an expert on reinsurance and arbitration issues and author of the the Loree Reinsurance and Arbitration Forum blog.  I thought this was a timely conversation as it reinforced the concepts regarding procedures and the potential risks when they are not in […]