“What’s The Point” Claims Process And How To Avoid Them

Being able to truly focus on what’s important is a path to success

Claims organizations are notorious for multiple process and procedures. Many of these procedures are truly necessary and are required to maintain controls, prevent fraud or comply with a multitude of regulations facing the insurance industry. Nonetheless, doing something for the sake of doing it is no way to be an efficient organization.

I have referred to Seth Godin’s Bolg in the past for its plain statements about business management and wonderful insight. His most recent post speaks so well about the need for projects and process to “have a point.” As Seth wrote:

“An idea turns into a meeting and then it turns into a project. People get brought along, there’s free donuts, there’s a whiteboard and even a conference call.

It feels like you’re doing the work, but at some point, hopefully, someone asks, “what’s the point of this?”

Is it worth doing?

Compared to everything else we could be investing (don’t say ‘spending’) our time on, is this the scariest, most likely to pay off, most important or the best long-term endeavor?

Or are we just doing it because no one had the guts along the way to say STOP.

Are you doing work worth doing, or are you just doing your job?”

How to say STOP

Take a look at any of your new projects and take some time to see if there is truly “a point” to what is being done. Is that new system enhancement really going to achieve what you need it to? Will adding that new report or requirement assist the claim handler or management to make better decisions? If not, then just say no.

Look at the first three habits of Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, which I have rearranged to fit this purpose, as a way to manage what needs to be done:

  • Begin with the end in mind – develop a goal
  • Put first things first – do only those things that are going to meet that goal
  • Be proactive – get to it and actively work to meet that goal

So don’t just do things for the sake of doing things. Ask “what’s the point” and have the guts to on the brakes.