Are claim departments’ process and systems ready for the new “Freelance Nation” worker?

Can claim departments handle the change in the American workforce? In his article The Future of Work; Here Comes Freelance Nation, insurance executive search consultant Jay D’Aprile speaks of a modern workforce that is freelance, temporary, or self employed. As he states:

There is an evolving belief that in the not too distant future, the majority of jobs will be structured as sort of an “on demand” arrangement. With this new concept employers will begin to shift work to a contract concept where talent will be treated much the same as a retailers supply chain. In the future needed skills will be added to a company in a just in time fashion. Then after a project, deadline or contract is completed that person who provided that skill will be released.Comments 1

The insurance industry has struggled in recent years to attract and retain new talent, especially in claims organizations. In an effort to continually provide the best talent, as well as provide the best customer service, more of the “Freelance Nation” will need to be employed. To do this, claim organizations will need to employ strong procedures and up-to-date technology to ensure optimal performance from this more fragmented workforce. Are they ready?

  • Do carriers have the right technology and sufficient procedures to manage the changing workforce?

  • How do you think claim departments need to adjust for the future claim professional?

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