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  1. Welcome Claims Magazine Readers May 26, 2010

    Posted in My SPOT.

    The Claims SPOT is now a featured blog for Claims Magazine Identifying opportunities is easier when you know how to SPOT the issues Welcome Claims Magazine readers to The Claims SPOT. I founded The Claims SPOT to be a forum for new ideas and insights into the world of Claims. Bringing together the best and […]

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  2. 3 Settlement Techniques That Will Help Move A Case To Resolution May 25, 2010

    Posted in Negotiation, SPOT on Issues.

    As a claims professional, you know you have cases that will ultimately settle, and can settle, but for some reason or another you just can’t get there. Recently I came across a great blog dedicated to providing different ideas and solutions surrounding the settlement process. Settlement Perspectives, written by John DeGroote, provides insights and “thoughts on how to resolve disputes and get your deal done.”

    In today’s post I comment on three techniques suggested by John – Managing Expectations, Decision Trees and Offers of Judgment – and show how more out-of the-box approaches can be a useful way to move a case to resolution and settle claims faster and cheaper.

  3. How Do You Effectively Manage A TPA? Speak Up And Be Active! May 20, 2010

    Posted in Best Practices.

    Become The Squeaky Wheel To Actively Manage TPA Outcomes As claim practitioners, most of us are familiar with what to look for when we shop for a third-party claim administrator (“TPA”).  One recent discussion on this blog cited such elements as claims systems, data reporting capabilities, and quality control (6 Essential Elements When To Explore […]

  4. The Claims SPOT Expands With New Contributors And More Insight May 19, 2010

    Posted in My SPOT.

    Another Bright Idea The Claims SPOT is expanding to provide even more information and updates on issues affecting the world of claims. Over the coming weeks additional contributors will share insight into claims issues and suggest further ways to help claims and claims related entities lower costs and become more efficient. In addition to our […]

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  5. 2 Chores that should not be neglected to become a stronger claims organization May 18, 2010

    Posted in Best Practices, Claims Auditing.

    Lets face it – no one really likes to do mundane things. Nonetheless, it’s those very chores that have to be done regularly to ensure a strong organization. Like cutting grass, the longer you let it go the worse it is for your grass, and the harder it will be to fix the mess that has been created. There are certainly enough chores that need to be done in the world of claims that no one likes to do. You know what they are – those things that you would prefer to not have to get to. They can include writing notes on files, keeping a diary and paying bills. But as any good claims handler knows, if you fail to do those tasks regularly not only won’t your grass grow, but you will have quite a clean-up.

    Two chores that can really help claim departments grow nice healthy grass are in the areas of training and managerial assessments. Learn a few chores that have to be done but will help grow your organization.

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  6. Is Your Caims Department Becoming A Bus Company? May 12, 2010

    Posted in Commentary.

    Claims departments can get into ruts and begin to act like bus companies. As Seth Godin, business author, recently wrote in his blog – “We all have a vision of the typical bus company, slowly moving people from place to place, going through the motions and showing a lot of fatigue.” In this weeks post, I point to some ways claims department can avoid the bus company mentality and figure ways to stay fresh and motivated.

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  7. Does Hiring More Staff Improve Claims? How To Know When The Time Is Right May 3, 2010

    Posted in SPOT on Ops.

    Deciding when to hire new staff is always a difficult question to answer. It’s even harder in a tough economy. In this week’s post I explore what to consider before hiring. Developing a staffing model and exploring internal metrics should be done before making a decision. But how do you create a staffing model? I suggest a few methods for developing a staffing model that makes sense. Before you bring on more staff review your staffing model, see if there any trends affecting file loads and take a quick look inward at your operation. Once these assessments are completed, you will be in a better position to know if hiring is the right decision.

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