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Category Archives: Claims Technology

  1. 3 Types Of Claims Metrics Every Department Should Be Looking At February 12, 2016

    Posted in Claims Technology, SPOT on Ops.

    Good news! – claims departments are now flooded with great data.

    Seems like great news doesn’t it. It is great news, or can be, if you’re using the data to help improve the operations, lower cost or predict the future. However, many firms aren’t using the data they have to provide valuable information for the operation. With the advent of more modern claim technology there has been a push to input more and more information about claims.

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  2. Claims Predictive Modeling: Using The Numbers To Improve Operations And A Change Worth Exploring August 22, 2012

    Posted in Claims Technology, SPOT on Issues.

    Claims Predictive Modeling (CPM) is one of the big buzz words in the industry. After a few decades of improving claims technology systems and creating vast databases of claims information, CPM is an attempt to use that information more effectively. In our latest post we discuss CPM and what it means to make changes to adopt this new metric.

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  3. Everybody Wants to Make Improvements In Claims But No One Actually Makes It Happen June 15, 2012

    Posted in Claims Technology, Commentary.

    There is so much that needs to be done in the world of claims. Operations need fixing, technology needs improving and a futures need to be defined. For some reason however, we are all really good at talking about it and not so good about doing anything about it. The industry needs to take action. Claims departments need to think creatively and “out-of-the-box” if we are going to attract new talent to the industry. This also means acting and not just talking about acting.

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  4. What Would Steve Jobs Do In A Claims Organization? March 15, 2012

    Posted in Best Practices, Claims Technology, SPOT on Ops.

    So what would Steve Jobs say about our claims industry? Well, having heard about his reputation I think I will leave what he would say out of this post. Regardless, I think Mr. Jobs would see an industry with tremendous opportunities to innovate and improve the way they deliver and manage claims services. In our most recent post, we explore a claims world in as it may be in the world of a master of product design and marketing.

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  5. Why Don’t Claims Organizations Track Claims Through The Process The Way UPS Tracks A Package? December 28, 2011

    Posted in Bad Faith, Best Practices, Claims Technology, Commentary, SPOT on Costs, SPOT on Ops.

    Today as a customer you can track your packages from the moment they leave the store to the second they arrive at your door. During that time you can see where they are in the process. Truly amazing. Why can’t claims organizations do the same thing? How much better would a claim be if we could track it through the system in the same way UPS can track a package. Something to think about when reading the latest from theClaimsSPOT.

  6. 5 Must Haves To Consider When Implementing a New Claims System June 21, 2011

    Posted in Claims Technology, SPOT on Ops.

    Implementing a new claims system can be fraught with issues and concerns. It is important to understand the people aspect both before and after a system is put into place. At the end of the day the system must support people and those people should be involved in the process way before you go live. This week we learn 5 suggestions to assist in the implementing a claims system learned from Paul Tuhy, Global Head of Claims for XL Insurance who recently spoke about technology at the most recent Americas Claims Event in New Orleans.

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  7. Looking Back On 2010 And Forward To 2011 In The World Of Claims December 31, 2010

    Posted in Best Practices, Claims Technology, Commentary, My SPOT, SPOT on Issues, SPOT on Ops.

    The year began with continued economic concerns, a poor job market and no recovery in sight. It has come to a close with a booming stock market, improved job numbers and a better outlook for 2011. Looking back on the year in claims and looking ahead to the future of claims is always a fun exercise this time of year so here we go! The Claims SPOT adds to the debate about the past and the future.

    Thanks for reading and have a happy and healthy holiday season and New Year!

  8. Quick SPOT: 6 Security Tips To Keep Portable Technology Safe For Claims August 27, 2010

    Posted in Claims Technology, Due Diligence, SPOT on Ops.

    If you are like me you keep everything on your laptop and cell phone. Numbers, corporate information, claims data, and even some of the dreaded non-private personal information of others. Claims data is filled with information that if lost or stolen could be detrimental to both the company and the individual. Many companies today issue corporate cell phones and blackberry devices as well as laptop computes in place of desktops. It’s a modern world and we are all expected to be connected. Partial work at home arrangements also mean this information is traveling from location to location which can increase the risk that things may be lost or stolen.

    Take a look at these suggestions to help keep your claim information safe and secure in the latest post from the Claims SPOT.

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  9. New Claims Technologies To Help Companies Drive Revenue And Differentiate Themselves April 12, 2010

    Posted in Claims Technology.

    New Study By The Gartner Group Shows 10 Technologies With The Greatest Impact For The Property/ Casualty Industry To Drive Revenue. In this post I comment on 4 solutions that can have a dramatic impact on claims and improve bottom lines. Failing to adopt new technology will put companies at a competitive disadvantage. Every company should look to evaluate their current systems and offerings and create a strategic plan to keep up-to-date with software and solutions. Staying ahead of the curve is a sure way to help drive costs down and stand out from those who don’t.

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  10. Putting Puzzle Pieces Together and the Challenge of Creating a New Claims System January 22, 2010

    Posted in Claims Technology, My History.

    Creating a new claims system should be easy with no legacy, right? Not so fast! One of the great things about going to work for a start-up insurance company with a lot of venture money is the idea that you can build everything from scratch. No legacy of losses, a clean balance sheet, and no […]

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  11. With old claims systems come old claims processes – You can’t change one without the other! January 21, 2010

    Posted in Claims Technology, SPOT on Costs.

    So you need a new claims system You know the darn thing doesn’t work or do what you want it to do so what’s next? You can’t just go out and buy a new system without understanding what your current process looks like. Over the years you have adopted your operation to your existing technology.  […]