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Tag Archives: Claims Systems

  1. 5 Must Haves To Consider When Implementing a New Claims System June 21, 2011

    Posted in Claims Technology, SPOT on Ops.

    Implementing a new claims system can be fraught with issues and concerns. It is important to understand the people aspect both before and after a system is put into place. At the end of the day the system must support people and those people should be involved in the process way before you go live. This week we learn 5 suggestions to assist in the implementing a claims system learned from Paul Tuhy, Global Head of Claims for XL Insurance who recently spoke about technology at the most recent Americas Claims Event in New Orleans.

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  2. 6 Essential Elements To Explore When Choosing A Third Party Administrator April 27, 2010

    Posted in Due Diligence, SPOT on Ops.

    A Third Party Administrator (TPA) is often the best way to handle claims for an organization. Many self-insured and captives choose to outsource their claims instead of creating their own internal operation. Whether to get expertise in a particular areas, or not wanting to invest in the infrastructure to build a claims department, using a TPA can be a smart business decision. So what make a good TPA and what should you look for? In order to find out you must conduct a comprehensive due diligence of the TPA you are about to hire. This is especially the case when that TPA will be holding and managing your claim dollars. Besides understanding the financial strength and capabilities of the TPA, it is also important to know whether they will be able to meet your data needs, provide consistent claims handling, and work to lower costs where they can.

    In this weeks post I address 6 essential elements, and questions, that should be explored as part of any due diligence when selecting a TPA

  3. New Claims Technologies To Help Companies Drive Revenue And Differentiate Themselves April 12, 2010

    Posted in Claims Technology.

    New Study By The Gartner Group Shows 10 Technologies With The Greatest Impact For The Property/ Casualty Industry To Drive Revenue. In this post I comment on 4 solutions that can have a dramatic impact on claims and improve bottom lines. Failing to adopt new technology will put companies at a competitive disadvantage. Every company should look to evaluate their current systems and offerings and create a strategic plan to keep up-to-date with software and solutions. Staying ahead of the curve is a sure way to help drive costs down and stand out from those who don’t.

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